Revision Plan Project 3

Our projects should be “engaging the conversation” about literacy acquisition, so they should be speaking to Alexander/Brandt/Williams in at least one of these three ways: affirm, add, challenge. And you probably want to be doing at least two of these things. What do your peers think you might do here, based on the evidence you’ve provided in the draft? Is there other evidence in the narratives that you’ve left out of the draft so far? Be specific about what your narratives reveal and what you think your might say about literacy acquisition through that data. NOTE: Work here will inform your “perspective” or thesis AND your conclusion.

I believe my paper is affirming and adding to Alexander/Brant/Williams. I need to add more affirming information to my paper because I am lacking the “i say” evidence to do so. I added to Alexander/Brandt/Williams as well by bringing in the idea that sponsors as facilitators bring positive experiences and sponsors as withholders bring both positive and negative experience.

Source introductions. Do your peers think you have enough “introduction” of A/B/W in the draft? Do you have too much? And what about your naming of the literacy narratives? Alexander offers little stories of her examples; Brandt offers richer descriptions so the reader has enough information to understand her analysis. In a short project, one should not repeat the details from the narratives, but the reader probably needs some description/context. What work do you have in this area?

I think my introduction is very strong with just enough information to get the reader ready with the information they need. I gave short descriptions of the authors and what their writing was. I think I did a good job filtering them in throughout my intro without making it seem awkward or lengthy. However I am missing one thing in my intro and that is introducing the Rising Cairn literacy narratives.

Evidence. We must have actual passages from both our scholarly sources and our literacy narratives. The scholarly sources help signal the conversation you’re engaging; the narratives are your support for the ways you’re engaging the conversation. It is entirely reasonable to need to find and consider additional narratives, to need to dig more deeply into those one is using, and even to re-read parts of Alexander or Brandt that are relevant to one’s project but were not originally assigned to the entire class! What do you need to do in this area?

My peers and I both thought I picked very strong passages from the scholarly sources and the literacy narratives. I got a lot of positive feedback regarding my choices for quotes. I dont think I want to change any of my quotes but I could dig deeper into the meaning of them. I need to make sure I am connecting them all back to the main point. They all correspond and support my point but I need to make sure I write that instead of assuming the reader understands what I am saying.



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