
Official Course Description

“The course is an overview of the major areas of psychology,
what psychologists do, and the methods employed in the investigation of basic psychological processes underlying human behavior. Areas reviewed may include: history, physiological psychology, learning theories, cognition, motivation, emotion, perception and sensation, human development, social psychology, abnormal psychology, therapy, and psychological issues of current debate in popular culture. The concepts examined will be linked to everyday reasoning and life.”

My Course Description

Psychology is the study human behavior. Diving into specifics we talked about each section of the body and how the nerves there respond and transmit that the the brain. We discussed what parts of the brain that receive signals from the body, how we interpret them, and how our body reacts. We went over mental illness and how that can effect a person. We discussed types of psychology such as social and abnormal psychology focusing a lot on emotion and cognition.

What I Learned

In Psychology I have learned a lot about how the brain works and reacts to different stimuli. We have talked about cognitive development as well as development of the body from conception. Not only do you get a sense of how this all works you actually learn how it works by talking about specifics in nerves and senses. We also focus a lot on emotion as well as abnormalities.